
Services for all stages of life

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Financial planning

Everyone should have a financial plan.

A plan gives you clarity about your values and goals — the life you want to lead. 

It provides a sense of control over your finances, and the knowledge that you won’t have to carry on working for longer than you need to. 

And it gives you peace of mind that, whatever happens, you will have enough money to maintain your chosen lifestyle. 

We can provide you with a highly qualified financial planner to undertake a thorough review of your financial situation and to work with you to produce a comprehensive financial plan. 

You only pay for the planning — nothing else. It’s a one-off fee, and how much you pay has nothing to do with how wealthy you are or how much money you have to invest; it purely depends on the complexity of your case and the amount of work involved.

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Retirement planning

If you’re looking to retire in the next year or two, having a plan is essential.

Leaving paid employment is a major life change. It poses key financial questions. Crucially, can you afford to finish work? How much money are you able to spend? And how much do you need to set aside for medical bills or long-term care?

Retirement also raises issues that aren’t specifically related to money. How are you going to spend your time? And how will you keep yourself physically fit and mentally active? 

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Coaching & mentoring

One of the myths perpetuated by the financial services industry is that financial planning — wealth management in particular — is very complicated.

It’s true that, because we’re fallible human beings, it’s not always easy. But, if you have the basic knowledge, it’s actually fairly simple.

There are some aspects to it — investing your pension savings, for example — that intelligent people are perfectly capable of doing themselves, thereby avoiding substantial ongoing fees.
