
Retirement planning

If you’re looking to retire in the next year or two, having a plan is essential.

Leaving paid employment is a major life change. It poses key financial questions. Crucially, can you afford to finish work? How much money are you able to spend? And how much do you need to set aside for medical bills or long-term care?

Retirement also raises issues that aren’t specifically related to money. How are you going to spend your time? And how will you keep yourself physically fit and mentally active? 

A plan tailored to you

All retirees should have a personal retirement plan that’s tailored to their values, needs and objectives. 

Our retirement planning process involves helping you identify what you want to achieve; assessing the current state of your finances and the potential challenges you face; designing a detailed plan to achieve your objectives; and, finally, helping you to execute your plan.

Ongoing help when you need it

Because our clients manage their own investments, they don’t pay ongoing fees for asset management. However, retirement planning is an organic process; your circumstances will change, and so must your plan. There is no commitment on your part, but your retirement planner will be on hand whenever you need assistance in the future. 


Please note, Second Life Financial Planning provides expert financial guidance, not regulated financial advice. We refer clients requiring advice on specific financial products to firms, authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority, that share our evidence-based investment philosophy.