Terms & Conditions

Second Life Financial Planning Limited is registered in England and Wales as a private limited company. Our company number is 05908528, and our address is Suite 403, 25 Heath Mill Lane, Birmingham B9 4AE.

What we are 

Second Life Financial Planning Limited is a financial planning consultancy that allows self-directed investors to access high-quality financial planning, retirement planning and financial coaching without having to pay ongoing fees. We match investors with a suitable planner or coach to help empower them to take control of their life and money.

What we are not

Second Life Financial Planning Limited is not a regulated financial advice business and we do not provide specific, product-related advice as defined by the Financial Conduct Authority. However, we refer clients who require such advice to an FCA-registered adviser. Clients who require generic financial planning and are happy to choose and manage their own investments are matched with non-regulated financial coaches.

Our commitment to clients

We are committed to treating clients fairly, putting their best interests first and providing them with a first-class service.

Our Code of Ethics comprises the following elements:

Objectivity: We are independent of product providers and we strive to be as objective as possible in providing our service to our clients.

Confidentiality: We shall keep all client data private unless authorisation is received from the client to share it, or we are required to share it to comply with relevant rules and regulations. We shall treat all documents with care and take care when disposing of them. Relations with clients shall be kept private.

Competence: We shall strive to maintain a high level of knowledge and ability. We shall undertake continuing education. We shall not provide guidance in areas in which we lack the relevant expertise or are not authorised to do so.

Fairness and suitability: Dealings with and recommendations made to clients will always be conducted and proposed with the client’s best interests in mind. We put our clients first.

Integrity and honesty: We will endeavour to act with integrity and honesty and to be ever mindful of the potential for misunderstanding that can accrue in normal human interactions.

Regulatory compliance: We will, at all times, comply with industry regulations.

Full disclosure: We shall fully describe our method of compensation and potential conflicts of interest to clients.

Professionalism: We shall always conduct ourselves in a professional way. This involves honesty, integrity and treating people with respect.


Second Life Financial Planning Limited refers clients to suitable financial professionals and we charge those professionals a fee for each successful referral. Clients pay their planner or coach, not Second Life Financial Planning Limited. They will not pay any more for the service they receive than they would have done if they had engaged with those professionals directly.

Complaints procedure

We want to make sure that you are completely satisfied with the service we provide. If you wish to register a complaint, please write to Robin Powell, Director, Second Life Financial Planning Limited, Suite 403, 25 Heath Mill Lane, Birmingham B9 4AE, or email rpowell@secondlifefp.co.uk. We promise to deal with your complaint in a fair and objective manner.

Law and jurisdiction 

Second Life Financial Planning Limited works exclusively with British citizens, domiciled in the United Kingdom. The validity, construction and performance of these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and shall be construed in accordance with English Law and the parties shall submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.

Robin Powell, Founder, Second Life Financial Planning

This document was last updated in July 2023.